Pre Built Services

Topic Modeling Visualization
Topic Modeling is a part of Machine Learning where the automated model analyzes the text data and creates the clusters of the words from that dataset or a combination of documents. It works on finding out the topics in the text and find out the hidden patterns between words relates to those topics.
pyLDAvis is an open-source python library that helps in analyzing and creating highly interactive visualization of the clusters created by LDA. Here, we used LDA and pyLDAvis to create Topic Modelling Clusters visualizations.
Scraping Reddit
PRAW is a Python wrapper for the Reddit API, which is used here build to scrape data from subreddits.
The given example shows scraped 10 hottest posts from “change my view” subreddit

KNIME, the Konstanz Information Miner, is a free and open-source data analytics, reporting and integration platform. KNIME integrates various components for machine learning and data mining through its modular data pipelining “Building Blocks of Analytics” concept.
Using KNIME, we analysed the sentiment(positive vs negative) of the comments that were awarded on the “change my view” subreddit to observe the difference in influence of positive vs negative comments.
Network Canvas
Network Canvas is a free and open-source set of software for surveying personal networks, designed around the needs of both researchers and participants.
Used network canvas to make custom interview for data gathering from human participants in reliable and efficient manner.

Volunteer Science
Volunteer Science is an online platform enabling anyone to participate in
Here, we used volunteer science to build custom interactive games and survey forms for data gathering from human participants.